Sunday, November 26, 2023

And the award...

 ... for "most unexpected reference to Anthony Braxton on British TV" goes (belatedly) to:

Stewart Lee on Celebrity Mastermind (question 13).

[This actually took place almost fourteen years ago: well, it doubtless took place more than fourteen years ago, but was broadcast in January 2010. I wasn't watching much TV back then (don't watch at all, these days) and had no idea this had happened until last week.]

Deadpan stand-up comedian Lee is/was evidently a fan of free improv, or at least knew his stuff about Derek Bailey - and the maestro gets a quick mention there, courtesy of the First Duo Concert. Whether for reasons of time, or... I don't know why else, John Humphrys makes no attempt to explain to the audience who Bailey was, meaning that the questions  - and answers - will have been a completely mystery to most of the viewers, both in the studio and in their living rooms. Still, this is probably the case for many contestants' specialised subjects.

Extremely random... but I apparently needed a way back into posting after several weeks in the doldrums. It happens...

[I didn't know in advance that I was going to dry up like this, but it's not a big deal - especially after such a productive year for the blog. I will be back..!]

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