Steve Lehman Trio + Mark Turner The Music Of Anthony Braxton (Pi Recordings, 2025)
This one - just out - was eagerly anticipated (by me) from the minute I found about it. As it turns out? It's both a very enjoyable recording on its own terms, and a disappointment / anticlimax... how does that work? Read on.
The background
The group is Lehman's regular working trio with Matt Brewer and Damion Reid, first captured in the studio almost thirteen years ago - plus (of course) the special guest for the occasion, tenorist Mark Turner. Until this album was announced, I really didn't know Turner's name at all - I only listen pretty selectively to contemporary jazz artists, and it's more than fifteen years since I followed any radio broadcasts purporting to document that scene - and this is the only recording of his I've yet heard. The page for this album on Pi's website carries Lehman's brief explanation of why Turner was recruited for this gig, clarfiying that B. and Turner are "both heavily influenced by the music of Warne Marsh and the larger Tristano-inspired orbit*... they both have the ability to combine high-concept approaches with more visceral expressiveness."** It has to be said that the tenor player fits in pretty well here.
It's slightly less clear what the gig itself comprised, since that same label blurb refers only to a "live concert... recorded in front of a boisterous crowd at ETA in Los Angeles", but the album itself was culled from two dates, 18-19 June, 2023, and it includes its fair share of fade-outs and edits. I would presume that these two nights did not use the exact same setlist, though I suppose they may have done; the more successful readings of each piece will obviously have been selected, but it seems likely that some stuff did not make the final album, too. If that's the case, the presence of at least one cut on here is rather questionable, as is the decision to include two of Lehman's originals; the Monk standard "Trinkle, Tinkle" makes sense, in the light of the leader's stated intentions at the time of convening the project (see below); this is arguably less true of the two originals, even though Lehman's own quirky and fluid playing is well showcased on these numbers, as is the work of his superb band.
The package
There's not a huge amount to say about this, basic as Pi's CDs generally are: inserts are usually not provided, and that trend was not bucked here. I'm sure everyone has seen the front cover already; the back cover includes this peculiar matching drawing of the maestro:
- which manages to be instantly recognisable, while not really looking all that much like him. The mouth rather resembles that on a ventriloquist's dummy; examined closely, much of the drawing below B's glasses seems to be more of an exercise in rendering the musculature of the maxillofacial region than it is an actual attempt to realise a naturalistic portrait. But there we go. That aside, there's very little else: the inner panels reproduce the same five drawings in miniature, along with some basic information about the recording itself, and a brief thanks list. I've never been much impressed by this very functional approach to packaging, utilised by labels such as Pi and RareNoise: in an era where music piracy is so common and so easy, why would you not want to give potential buyers a bit more for their money, as an incentive to spend it in the first place? But as you can see, it doesn't necessarily stop me from purchasing the product, at least some of the time; and perhaps in Pi's case, they trust their excellent roster to promote the product for them. The label survives, anyway, and that is always a good sign.
The music
I may as well get right to it and explain what the problem is, for me: a notable lack of ambition. Satisfied just to play B's pieces through, Lehman and co do not even try to do anything much with them. Now, here of course it becomes a question of what the leader wanted to do with them in the first place; I had not read any of the label's own blurb until after I had heard the album a few times, so relied entirely on drawing my own conclusions***, but I have since read that the idea was "to connect Anthony’s music with new audiences and make a case for his small group music as a really indispensable part of the jazz canon". To what extent Lehman succeeds in the first endeavour is debatable - any audience which was up to speed with what his trio were playing is likely to have been familiar with most (if not all) of these pieces to begin with, I would think# - but it's fair to say that the second is more or less successful. This sort of material feels just as natural for the band to be playing as do Lehman's own small-group compositions, or any of the other repertoire which he is prone to introduce; Dialect Fluorescent, that first trio album linked above, included pieces by Coltrane, Duke Pearson and (Lehman's alto touchstone) Jackie Maclean, as well as a handful of originals - and it's not as if Lehman were not already used to writing his own material by that time: he absolutely was, and usually did. So there is a longstanding precedent for including jazz rep in the group's live book, and to be honest, if they had simply done exactly that - played five or six of B's pieces straight through in the trio's own style - the problem would actually be less obvious. Instead, it's flagged up by the approach taken to (what were eventually released as) tracks four and seven.
Comps. 34a## and 40b work well enough, in the manner suggested above: the small group reads through them as they would any other piece, with solos taken by all except Reid - Brewer opens 40b with a bass solo, then cues up the theme with Reid - and 23c... well, let's hang back on that one for a minute, there will be a bit more to say about that in due course. Reid doesn't solo as such because he really doesn't need to: given full rein to express himself throughout the entire performance, he exploits that licence fully - without ever sounding as he's upstaging the rest of the band. He sounds fantastic on this material: it was really the first thing which I noticed about the recording. Brewer plays much more of an anchor role, so his solo time is the reward for that. (I do find myself thinking each time I play the album that 40b is a touch more sedate than it needs to be, and when the theme is first being set up, one is almost entitled to expect 40m instead.)
The title 23b + 23g encourages the listener to expect more than s/he gets, however. Collaging? Forget it: what is played is another straight reading of 23b - nailed well enough, no problems there - followed by a brief coda consisting of the 23g head, with the piece itself not explored at all, in any of its implications, beyond the basic tension inherent in the written theme###. This sort of "medley" approach, just tacking one theme onto the end of another piece, feels like selling the material short (if not the audience, who lap it up), and I have to say I don't care for it. But a far bigger problem arises when we reach 23e + 40a. The published track length (3:44) should raise eyebrows right away: we are not going to get anything like a proper exploration of either piece, and of course we don't. Indeed, even someone who knows the Five Pieces 1975 album thoroughly could listen to this piece without recognising 23e at all, the magisterial number sketched out as the faintest of pencil caricatures, no more than a fragmentary evocation of a sombre mood with just the barest of melodic material - the fact that Reid and Brewer build the initial mood with considerable skill is almost irrelevant here, because the piece never gets the chance to go anywhere. If one knows what it is that is (supposedly^) being played here, one can work back from existing versions of the piece to establish that when the musicians hit a certain note and hold it - briefly - that is supposedly the part of 23e just before the moment of transition or crossing; a moment which, in the actual composition, contains almost superhuman levels of power, here so stripped of that same power that it's really not noticeably the same music at all: you have to be listening out instead for "anything which sounds as if it might be from 23e", and even that feels like straw-clutching. No, what happens here is that after the momentary hold and pause, Lehman repeats a few bars of melancholy alto, before the trio starts to tap out the lines from 40a - just the trio, as Turner sits this out, but it's all over very quickly anyway. Brewer makes no attempt to rise to the difficult challenge laid down by Mark Helias and others - alternating arco and pizzicato lines in brisk succession - and within less than a minute, we're all done with the whole thing. As regards 23e - if you had told me that this was actually an inchoate attempt at Comp. 69n instead, I would have been happy to believe it^^; the track as a whole just feels unfinished: here, the music falls so far short of its potential that for me this one wasn't worth doing at all.
From there, let's at least turn our attention to a high-point, in the most unexpected of places: Comp. 23c is a piece which I really thought I never needed to hear again, and which always feels like a lazy selection, offering as it does almost no latitude whatsoever. Here, though, it's the one time when the group tries to take some liberties with the material, and even though those liberties are pretty limited, it works. Already sounding unusual, since Lehman sticks rigidly to alto - he seems to be one woodwind player who never switches to flute - the piece ends up in unexplored(ish) territory, with the completion of the written parts followed immediately by a funky groove which centres on the harmonic material contained in the final section of the written theme, supporting brief improvisations by both saxmen in turn. That done, there is a little bit of riffing on another section of the theme to wrap things up. It reminds me of The Locals, and although this hardly qualifies in principle as a very ambitious interpretation, it's refreshing just to hear any liberties taken with this through-composed piece, and the way it's handled feels entirely appropriate and effective. (The label gets a little carried away in suggesting that the piece is "transformed as a result of Reid’s ultramodern rhythmic approach" - the drum part is the one element of the piece which is not fully written out, allowing some freedom of expression to whichever drummer is playing at the time - but it is nevertheless notable how well Reid plays on it.)
In conclusion
Taken on its own terms, this is for the most part a highly enjoyable listen and a (qualified) success. B's compositions here sound just as appropriate to the modern, outward-facing small group format as do Lehman's two originals, or the Monk cover; Lehman cogently makes the case for these pieces being included in the modern jazz canon. Is that not what I (among others) have been looking for? It is; but it was still possible to hope for rather more than this. Lehman is one of the most restlessly creative and innovative composers currently active in this field, and it seems irresistibly apposite to demand more of him than simply taking a handful of B's more exoteric numbers and just playing them. What could he do with more demanding material? This may not be a fair question, however much we may be tempted to ask it: Lehman's compositional curiosity is above all reserved for his own composition, and there is nothing to criticise in that. Furthermore, in circumscribing the limits of the project's ambition ahead of time, he has answered this type of objection before it can be raised. But... but. Step back from here and ask yourself whether this project could have been left to a less ambitious leader, and whether an artist of Lehman's abilities might owe a little more - ? That does not feel impertinent. The highly superficial manner in which 23g, 40a and (especially) 23e are tossed off reminds us that this 80th-birthday tribute, well-meaning as it undoubtedly is, may nonetheless not have required a huge amount of thought or effort. That is the crux of my problem with this.
It's an album I will be happy to listen to: Reid in particular sounds terrific from start to finish, the whole band is really good, and Turner is definitely someone I will investigate further. As an album of BraxRep, though, there is no way I will ever consider this to be on a similar level to Jump or Die - or to the much more recent offering by the Ghost Trance Septet; like Thumbscrew's album, for slightly different reasons, this one may be best heard and enjoyed with diminished critical engagement. I may have got a little overexcited, after all.
* My emphasis. (Those names are significant ones, in these demesnes.)
** One might observe that the same is true of plenty of other musicians, especially these days. But it's fine: Lehman is just explaining why he thought Turner was suitable for what he had in mind, and he wasn't wrong, of course.
*** This is basically what I always used to do anyway. I've just tended to do it a bit less, in recent years.
# Needless to say, I could be wrong about that... but it seems a little bit of a stretch to suppose that people who would turn up to hear Lehman's group in the first place might constitute a "new audience" for this sort of thing.
## This is the title as given on the album, and is in keeping with the conclusion which I myself reached last year (v. seventh footnote to that post). The Antilles album which first unveiled the piece to the wider world simply calls it Comp. 34.
### For those who don't carry this stuff around in their heads at all times, 23g is the original pulse-track prototype (although earlier examples can be found of B's trying out similar ideas, once you know what you're looking out for): the single-line instruments play one part, the rhythm section another part entirely. (First studio version is on Five Pieces 1975.)
^ I'll take it on trust that what is being played can be found somewhere in the written score. Honestly, I would never have known that they were playing this piece if it didn't say as much in the track list.
^^ This would also make sense, as 69n can be found on Six Compositions: Quartet, just like 40b, 34(a) and 40a. This feels persuasive enough that the attribution 23e may even be a mistake..? But in all honesty this throwaway medley is perfunctory enough that it scarcely matters whence the component parts were derived; Lehman can do a lot better than this, and he knows it...