Friday, February 24, 2023

This may count as progress...


... or then again, it may not.

It probably doesn't. Buuuuuut... it still feels pretty significant for me that for the first time since my daughter was a toddler*, I have all my Braxton CDs in one place, for easy and immediate access. (I can't work out now whether they look like a lot, or surprisingly few... but that's not important: this is not about fetishising a collection.)

We weren't short of space in the house we moved out of last year, but for various reasons we didn't make the best use of it - and as one consequence of that, most of my possessions were stuffed away in places where I couldn't easily get at them. I certainly couldn't readily access, say, an individual book I might feel like perusing - or a CD that I felt like playing. 

We took care of some of that when we moved, although it's still a work in (very slow) progress; the music collection, especially, is not all sorted out yet. But I do now have all my Zappa in one place and, more to the point, all my Braxton. 

I am sitting here right now listening to Beyond Quantum while I type. I haven't heard that album for years. 

I have been going through some very troubled times just lately, and this is just what my ears needed...

* That is to say, more than a decade ago. The collection was quite a lot smaller then, too...

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