Wednesday, October 26, 2011

some omissions...

damn, i knew i'd forgotten something. (and then i didn't get round to posting about it for another week or so anyway. but then... i'd missed the boat already of course.)

i only found out very late (from thb) and couldn't possibly have attended anyway, but there was recently a major event - esp. in these aforementioned times of no live braxton {{{arrggghhh}}} - , to wit:- energies, ideas, intuitions... a smallish-but-perfectly-formed braxfest. i haven't heard anything about it since, being totally out of touch with fan forums etc for music generally (and indeed for anything else really... i'm not a networker, in case that is not already crashingly obvious - !); i really really hope it went well and was a positive and intense (series of) experience(s) for all involved - as well as relatively stress-free for those such as thb, who were getting stuck in at the sharp end of the organising. (i have great respect for non-exploitative organisers since i myself am so disorganised. ahem).

the line-up for this thang was/is mouth-watering enough - and introduces what to me is an entirely new term, since the first concert began with "pine top aerial music" to be played by the maestro with thb, former giant-ensemble quadrant leader matt bauder on further reeds and vocalist anne rhodes (she of this collaboration, one which i have not yet heard actually), with two dancers by the look of it. no, i don't know what sort of music that is... yet! the final part of that first night, after a solo piano recital (comp. 30), was an eyebrow-raising brax-plus-quartet, the latter all female, something i suspect mr b. has been trying to set up for a while (knowing his long-expressed fervent wish to get women more involved not just in creative music but in all aspects of human life); actually my eyebrow was more raised at the name ingrid laubrock, a german-born, british-based (well... used to be at any rate!) saxophonist who was quite heavily plugged by jazz on 3 a few years back. i wouldn't really have expected to see her cropping up in such illustrious company... well, good for her, and again, hope it all went swimmingly :))

- and dcw on night two, followed by the tri-centric orchestra... a gtm "syntactical choir" plus star-studded echo echo mirror house music on night three (the latter being a term i've seen around a bit, but i've never encountered the music for real)... and two acts from trillium j on the final night. yeah, i'm repeating this cos i don't think that link will last long, but also cos... well, it bears repeating. now, of course, if anything knows anything about recordings from any of these concerts... you know whom to call right? :-D


once again i seem to have found myself in a rock phase - after scarcely listening to anything for a month or two, i eased myself back in with a real variety of stuff, but re-established contact with an old friend has seen me delving back into metal for an intense spell (brought to an abrupt close when i knackered my mp3 player. me and technology, honestly). then again, i did finally the other day get round to hearing trio and duet which i had never owned and - having found a rip online weeks ago - was only just getting round to playing at all. and... it was extremely enjoyable! all of those early albums are gonna need to be covered as gap-fillers one of these days. all i shall say in the meantime is that i recognise comp. 36, have defintiely heard it before in live recordings without knowing what it was... it may well be the missing number from the "mystery concert". haven't actually sat down to do a comparison yet. what an interesting piece, though... side two of the album was the duet part of course, three standards with holland, and although that naturally piques my interest less, it was highly enjoyable and intelligent entertainment.


i did mail mr leo feigin a while ago regarding the peculiarities in the recording of comp. 126, which have been mentioned in these parts once or twice. not received a reply yet though... not sure i'm gonna get one.


practically all of the (not many) files i had up with rapidshare have been wiped. this includes the 65th birthday files which had been up for well over a year, unmolested (no longer) as well as the more recent braxton/parker mp3 files. ok, so... i'll try and put them all back up somewhere that allows multiple-choice downloads: might mean popups unfortunately, but r-share have become a total pain in the arse about killing uploaded files... what you gonna do. assume for the time being that all links are dead; i'll advise when this situation changes.


braxtothon phase five will continue shortly(ish) with the details from session 5.01 - !


Spring Day said...

I'm not astonished to see Ingrid Laubrock popping up in that context. She's been playing in Moers last year, is often around likewise hyped New York musicians like Tyshawn Sorey and has a trio which includes Tom Rainey now. She's been also recently interviewed at The Jazz Session.

centrifuge said...

SD, thanks for passing that on (the info and the link). i didn't know (or maybe had forgotten) that she was involved with sorey, who has indeed been hyped quite a bit - but who also has quite a pedigree. basically, i guess i'm just hopelessly out of touch with the "scene" - wherever and whatever that is - these days!

Nuage fiché qui rêve said...

Hi cent'
A picture of ab and thb playing Pine top aerial music :
(by Peter Gannushkin)

centrifuge said...

fredito, thanks for the link... of course, the photo still gives us no idea of what the music sounded like ;-)

Nuage fiché qui rêve said...


Bryson M said...

Great blog yoou have here